Products with high-quality appearance have no impurities or delamination to the naked eye; while inferior products have thicker and thinner layers. At the same time, the color of the laundry liquid with good color is stable, and it will not change color after long-term storage; the poorer will have dispersion and fading. When purchasing, pay attention to the label. The qualified laundry detergent package should have the product name, net weight, product usage instructions, factory name and address, and shelf life, etc. The trademark pattern on the product label is awkward, deinking.

A good laundry detergent has a pure, long-lasting scent and is sour and astringent.

When purchasing, ask more about the historical background of the manufacturer, whether it is professional, and what is the reputation of the brand.

A good laundry detergent has a moderate viscosity and a uniform composition by touching it by hand, while a poor laundry detergent has a very sticky or thin touch and deposits at the bottom.